Visit California to Host Crisis Communications Workshop at LA Hotel Downtown Sept. 28


Los Angeles Tourism

Join Visit California for its first Crisis Communications Workshop at the LA Hotel Downtown on Sept. 28, as they bring in top crisis communications experts to help our industry develop strategies to effectively manage a crisis. The workshop will provide a unique forum for industry representatives to gain insights on current media trends, understand the essentials of a crisis plan, learn strategies for working with regional and statewide representatives, and optimize social media in a time of crisis.

L.A. Tourism Reveals Updated Visitor Forecast and Tourism Data at Los Angeles Market Outlook Forum


Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board (L.A. Tourism) shared new visitation forecasts and tourism data with local hospitality partners and business leaders at the organization’s fourth annual Market Outlook Forum. Among the highlights, visitation to Los Angles is expected to set a new record in 2016 with more than 46.5 million total visitors, an increase of 2.4% from the previous record-setting year.

Los Angeles Unveils insideLA Program, Offering Visitors 10 Ways to Explore the City During Rainy Days


Los Angeles Tourism

Los Angeles is a dynamic city to visit in all kinds of weather. To help those visiting the City of Angels stay dry during the wet winter season, Discover Los Angeles has curated a list of the top 101 indoor activities which highlights the destination’s endless entertainment options ranging from culture and dining to sports and shopping.
