What's Coming - July 2015

7,000 Athletes. 177 Countries. 25 Sports.

In a city full of movie stars and all-stars, Special Olympics athletes will be the stars of the show this summer! The 2015 Special Olympics World Games will feature nine days of challenging sports competition among 7,000 Special Olympics athletes from around the world. Join world leaders, celebrities and dignitaries to cheer on these athletes as they compete in 25 sports. Come join the fun, show support and register for the “Fans in the Stands” program. All competition events are FREE and open to the public!

The inspiring Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles 2015 will take place Saturday, July 25, 2015 at the historic Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, the only venue in the world to host two Olympiads (1932 and 1984), two Super Bowls (I and VII) and one World Series (1959). The star-studded show will celebrate the true stars of the Games - the athletes of Special Olympics, the Parade of Athletes, the culmination of the Final Leg of the Law Enforcement Torch Run and lighting of the Special Olympics cauldron. To purchase tickets, visit Ticketmaster at: http://bit.ly/1dyHBWh

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