Harry Gamboa Jr.

Latino Heritage in Los Angeles: Harry Gamboa Jr.


Wiebke Schuster

In 1968, Gamboa helped lead the “East L.A. Walkouts” (aka “Chicano Blowouts”) at Garfield Senior High School. Students walked to protest against the substandard treatment of East L.A. public schools and a disproportionate draft of Mexican-American youth to the Vietnam War.

Over time, Garfield High became a place of transformation. Many of the alumni emerged as social leaders, artists, actors and musicians. “People who would probably be considered predetermined to fail became super achievers.” The Grammy Award-winning band, Los Lobos came out of Garfield, and musicians from a neighboring high school formed Cannibal & the Headhunters and went on to tour with The Beatles.

“The social pressure and social heat you encounter has potential to destroy, but it also has the potential to create a diamond. So if one can approach it almost mathematically, you can create yourself in the image of a diamond, you will shine in the distance and can cut through anything. I am a very old diamond now." Gamboa shrugs and laughs.