Artichoke oysters at Crossroads Kitchen

The Best Restaurants for Healthy Dining in Los Angeles


dine L.A.

Los Angeles has been synonymous with the healthy Southern California lifestyle for generations. L.A. chefs have been at the forefront of the farm-to-table and plant-based culinary movements, featuring menus with locally sourced and organic ingredients. From fast casual vegan to California cuisine in a fine dining setting, here are some of L.A.’s best restaurants for healthy dining.

November 2014 Lodging Metrics


Discover Los Angeles

• Los Angeles ranked 5th place among the Top 25 Markets with an Occupancy rate of 72.4%, flat from last year’s November Occupancy.
• Los Angeles ADR was $144.64 and ranked 8th among the Top 25 Markets, up +6.4% compared to the same period last year ($135.90).
• Los Angeles RevPAR was $104.79 and ranked 7th among the Top 25 Markets, up +6.4% compared to the same period last year ($98.44).
• Rooms nights sold were 2.13 million countywide, reflecting a +0.9% increase over November 2013 (2.11 million room nights).
• The LAX area (76.8%) and Santa Monica/Marina Del Rey (75.5%) both reported the highest Occupancy rate for the month. 
•  Long Beach (+15.9%) and LA North (+12.3%) reported the largest YOY RevPAR growth.

What's Coming - January 2015


Discover Los Angeles

Join us for the next L.A. Tourism monthly Member Mixer coming up on Thursday, Jan. 22 (5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) at Sadie Kitchen & Lounge

News & Notes - January 2015


Discover Los Angeles

Los Angeles welcomed 43.4 million visitors in 2014, a remarkable fourth consecutive record-setting year. In this first newsletter of 2015, L.A. Tourism features upcoming January and February events like dineL.A's Restaurant Week, the Pan African Film Festival and the 56th Annual Grammy Awards. With an eye towards 50 million annual visitors in 2020, L.A. Tourism extends best wishes for an exciting, healthy and prosperous New Year.



Discover Los Angeles

Around the world, in town, and on the web, LATCB is working to help grow and support the Los Angeles tourism community and keep the world coming to L.A.
