Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome

Go On Location: Oscar-Winning Best Picture Locations in Los Angeles


Lindsay Blake

Los Angeles has been home to the Academy Awards ever since the very first ceremony was held on May 16, 1929 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Eight Oscar trophies were handed out that night, including one to “Wings” for Outstanding Picture. In the past 90 years, numerous Best Picture winners have filmed in L.A. Read on for a list of ten memorable Oscar-winning movie locations that are found in the City of Angels.

Palm tree in Santa Monica

A Letter to Boston from L.A.


Discover Los Angeles

Hey Boston, I heard you broke up with Snow the other day. Come out to the West Coast and let’s have some fun in the sun. It's a three-day weekend and the forecast is in the 80s!

dineL.A. Winners Announced


Discover Los Angeles

After another successful dineL.A. Restaurant Week, the Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board is pleased to announce the winners of our two dineL.A. giveaways. Congratulations to both winners!

Harry Shum Jr. at the Do Something Awards

Harry Shum Jr.'s Los Angeles


Los Angeles Magazine

Interview by Izumi Hasegawa

Professional dancer turned actor Harry Shum Jr. has shown his ability on the hit TV series “Glee.” Now he has a new adventure: a dramatic role with his Chinese heritage on the new film “Revenge of the Green Dragons.” Born in Costa Rica with a father from mainland China and a mother from Hong Kong, Harry was raised in San Francisco and has been enjoying L.A. life very much.

Yakitori at Hinotori

Top 10 Yakitori Restaurants in Los Angeles


Clarissa Wei

In Japan, yakitori refers to bite-sized chicken meat or offal, strung on bamboo sticks and cooked over charcoal until beautiful crisp grill marks appear. In the states, that term has expanded to describe restaurants that serve grilled Japanese skewers. Also known as izakaya restaurants, meals at these places are fast, casual affairs that are usually paired with a sizeable glass of beer. Charcoal is the preferred cooking method because the ash radiates infrared rays to help seal in the flavor. Typically, the skewer is then dressed with salt or basted with yuzu or a sweet soy sauce. When it comes to yakitori, it’s all about the flavor. Here are 10 great yakitori restaurants in Los Angeles.

Trivia Night at Angel City Brewery

The Best Trivia Nights in Los Angeles


Joshua Lurie

Just because a bar hosts a trivia night doesn’t mean the experience has to be trivial. Learn about 10 of the best trivia nights in L.A., which all serve something great to eat or drink, and not just a flurry of questions. Even if you don’t claim a prize, you can still win big.

Salad at Redbird in Downtown Los Angeles

The Best New Restaurant Openings in Los Angeles


Bill Esparza

The restaurant scene is growing faster than ever here in Los Angeles and although 2015 is just getting under way, it seems like a big opening is happening every week. This year will see many familiar faces, some with their mind on expansion and others just catching a second wind with something new to reflect the ever-changing public taste. We’ll also witness the excitement of veteran chefs, both local and from out of town, that are opening restaurants for the very first time. Let’s start the year off with these delicious new restaurants - some aren’t open yet, but they’re sure to be popular so you’d better call those reservations in now.
