Activities (74)

Visit Santa Monica


Santa Monica, California - Located between the ocean and Los Angeles, this beachside city softens the edges of the big-city experience by offering a relaxing alternative and a deep ocean-air breath of what the Los Angeles region has to offer.

Magic Johnson's Los Angeles


Magic Johnson

Earvin “Magic” Johnson -- Major League Baseball owner, NBA legend, two-time Hall of Famer, entrepreneur, philanthropist and motivational speaker -- shares his L.A. favorites.

The Oh Family's Los Angeles


David Oh

During each mission to Mars, NASA scientists on the mission follow "Mars time" for the first three months. (On Mars, each day lasts about 40 minutes longer than a day on Earth.)

David Oh, Lead Flight Director for the Mars Science Laboratory Rover Curiosity, took his wife, Bryn, and kids -- 13-year-old Braden, 10-year-old Ashlyn and 8-year-old Devyn -- on the journey into "Mars time". Each day, they pushed their schedule forward by 40 minutes, eventually waking up in the evening and sleeping during the day. Here, David and his family share their picks for around-the-clock family fun in Los Angeles.

My L.A. to Z: Tony Hawk


Los Angeles Magazine

The skateboarding superstar just opened a skate park in Long Beach, but Culver City is his favorite spot to hang.

Allie Mac Kay's Los Angeles


Allie Mac Kay

Los Angeles native Allie Mac Kay helps Angelenos start their day right on the KTLA Morning News. Here are Allie's picks for entertainment, cheap eats... and even a death-themed tour.

Santa Monica


Explore what Santa Monica, California has to offer. Southern California beaches, Santa Monica Pier, 3rd Street Promenade, Farmers' Markets and more!

Visit Santa Monica


Located between the ocean and Los Angeles, this beachside city softens the edges of the big-city experience by offering a relaxing alternative and a deep ocean-air breath of what the Los Angeles region has to offer.
