Words from Wooden - June 2016

President and CEO Ernest Wooden Jr., LATCB
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As the days get longer and the temperatures get warmer, the summer travel season is here. And as travelers get ready for their well-deserved vacations, Travelocity announced their best getaway destinations for the season across all major U.S. cities. To no surprise, Los Angeles was named this year’s number one summer destination, scoring high regards on our near-perfect weather, world-class attractions and nearby national parks.

Next week, I will travel alongside fellow L.A. Tourism officials to IPW, the travel industry’s premier international travel marketplace, in New Orleans. Our team will meet with a bevy of tour operators, wholesalers, MICE buyers and receptive operators domestically and internationally to highlight all that is new in Los Angeles. And in conjunction with several partners, we will host a press conference for international media to showcase the newest L.A. openings and developments.

And tremendous results of our industry for April are in: more than $20.2 million in Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) was generated for the City’s General Fund, a 21.3% year-over-year increase. To date, this puts the cumulative total for this fiscal year at $189.6 million, which is 13.4% above last year and on pace to set another record.

I hope to see you all at our Member Mixer next Thursday, June 23 at the brand new OUE Skyspace LA. You’ll be one of the first to preview Downtown’s newest attraction while networking with fellow L.A. Tourism members from a wide range of tourism and hospitality businesses. Be sure to check the “What’s Coming” section of the newsletter for more details.

I’d like to close this month’s newsletter with a moment of reflection for our brothers and sisters in Orlando as we are all saddened by the senseless attack that occurred last week. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this terrible tragedy.

Best wishes,

Ernest Wooden Jr.
President and CEO
Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board


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