Chicken “Parmigiano” at Paninoteca by Scarpetta

The Best Sandwiches in Los Angeles


Joshua Lurie

Two slices of bread, balanced fillings and imagination is all it takes to create a satisfying sandwich, but great versions remain elusive. Luckily, Los Angeles has a legacy of great sandwiches, including Langer's Deli #19, the French Dips at Philippe the Original and Cole's, and the Bay Cities Godmother. Read on and discover L.A.'s destination sandwiches.

The Best Places to Get Eggs for Lunch in L.A.


Zach Brooks

Breakfast for lunch is one of the great joys in life, but even better is finding eggs stuffed into what would otherwise be bonafide lunch dishes. We're not talking about eating at a restaurant that serves their breakfast menu all day long, but the restaurants that sneak eggs into their lunchtime menus every chance they get. The places that celebrate the egg, outside of its typical early morning construction. With that in mind, here are some of the best places in L.A. to get eggs for lunch.

Fried chicken cubes at Yunnan Restaurant

The Spiciest Restaurants in Los Angeles


Clarissa Wei

Spicy food is easy to come by in Los Angeles. There are such a variety of spices available, from the tongue-numbing Sichuan peppercorn to the elusive ghost chili. Here’s a tip: don’t wash it down with cold water. Water actually will spread the spice in your mouth and make the burning sensation worse. Yogurt, milk, or rice are the best pairings – if you can get your hands on them. Here are great places in Los Angeles to get your fix of super spicy dishes.


The Best Pho Restaurants in Los Angeles


Clarissa Wei

Pho has been around for a century and is indisputably the national dish of Vietnam. A good pho takes hours to make; beef bones and parts are simmered under low heat to obtain a rich, complex flavor. Pho is typically divided into two camps. Southern pho is the more common one, with an abundant use of spices and flavorings (fish sauce, hoisin, etc.) and versatile cuts of meat like tripe and brisket. Northern pho is much more simplistic - the noodles are flatter and wider, and the focus is on its pure beef broth. The main ingredients are rice noodles and thinly sliced raw beef. In the north, accoutrements are not necessary. Here are some of the best places to get your pho fix in Los Angeles.

Beef noodle soup at Noodle King

The Best Chinese Beef Noodle Soups in Los Angeles


Clarissa Wei

Beef noodle soup, known as niu rou mian, is the epitome of Chinese comfort food. Found all throughout China and Taiwan, it’s a beloved dish that takes hours to make. Beef shanks must be slow-cooked for hours before they achieve their creamy texture. Noodles must be chewy, and most importantly, the broth must be rich and sustainable. Traditionally, the noodles are paired with a heaping of pickled mustard greens, which offers a crisp, sour contrast. Spicy is customizable and in some joints, used extremely liberally. It makes for a sustainable lunch or dinner and thankfully, there are plenty of places in Los Angeles to get your fix. Here are our picks.

Sashimi lunch special at Sushi Gen

Discover L.A.'s Best Sushi Deals


Stacey Sun

The L.A. sushi trend started in the San Fernando Valley during the ’80s, and for decades Los Angeles has continued to dominate this arena, attracting the best sushi talent in America. It also doesn’t hurt that we have access to some of the best fish markets in the country. Surprisingly, you don’t have to spend top dollar for the best sushi in L.A. - you just need to know where to go. Here are 12 of our top sushi picks for value.

L.A. Story Spotlight: Bricia Lopez


Daniel Djang

Bricia Lopez is a quintessential modern Angeleno: she’s a first generation immigrant who grew up in Los Angeles, a business owner, and a cultural ambassador who explores and experiences L.A. with the enthusiasm of a first-time visitor.

Oysters at Portsmouth

The Best Oyster Happy Hours in Los Angeles


Bill Esparza

Los Angeles is now lined with oyster bars like they were palm trees, and restaurants are shipping in oysters from sea to shining sea. Angelenos have an oyster bar or restaurant serving oysters in nearly every neighborhood, with condiments, beverages, and menus catering to the local flavor. Aside from the sensation of privilege that an oyster happy hour bestows, it’s a titillating first taste - the ultimate culinary foreplay when getting to know a restaurant. Here are ten of the best oyster happy hours in the greater Los Angeles area.

The Best Fritters in Los Angeles


Joshua Lurie

There are no rules when frying. Just get a vat of oil bubbling, gather delectable ingredients that are either savory or sweet, and let the oil work its magic. At the L.A. County Fair, vendors have been known to bomb deep fryers with items as disparate as candy bars and artichokes. Thankfully, L.A. chefs have more sense and restraint, and we’ve been graced with some truly inspiring fritters.
